Registered players sorted by rating and title

1 Luchtmeijer,Anthonie Pieter 202602026
2 CM Murray,Bruce D 187301873
3 Wan,Dennis 185201852
4 Garner,Stephen J 173201732
5 Watson,Robert A 172901729
6 Glissan,Paul 172401724
7 Sirkka,Pertti T 168201682
8 Armstrong,Gary 159701597
9 Baterowicz,Mark 154201542
10 Guilevitch,Boris 153901539
24 Aleksovski,Bosko 151101511
11 Pilowsky,Paul 148401484
12 Stern,David 147401474
13 Canfell,Mike J 142701427
14 Beeh,Tom 141601416
15 Case,Ivan 138301383
16 Baldwin,A(Tony) C 131401314
17 Wechsler,Ian B 129101291
25 Jeffreys,Roger W 128601286
18 Quek,Bob 127001270
19 Laurie,Robert 125501255
20 Blower,Anthony 122101221
23 Gram,Otto 100901009
21 Harker,Steven 9020902
22 Thompson,Andrea 000
Rating legend: Rtg: Rating used for pairing and standings - RtgF: Fide Rating - RtgN: National Rating