
The constitution of Norths Chess Club was unilaterally adopted by the members at a Special General Meeting on 26 july 2023


Establishment and name

The Club shall be known as Norths Chess Club, The Club was established in 1908 as the Chatswood Chess Club and has also been known as North  Sydney Chess Club.


The objectives of the Club are:

  • To promote the game of chess in the Lower North Shore of Sydney and more generally
  • To conduct chess and chess related competitions and activities for the benefit of the members
  • To affiliate with bodies related to the conduct, governance, and development of chess in New South Wales, in Australia and internationally.
  • To arrange social matches and activities for the benefit of the members.
  • To cooperate with the other sporting and activity clubs within the North Sydney Leagues Club.

Not For profit status

The Club shall not be carried on for the profit or monetary gain of its members. 

Officers of the Club

The Officers of the Club shall be:

a) President
b) Secretary
c) Treasurer

plus other officers as appointed at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

All Officers of the Club shall have the responsibility of ensuring that the Objectives of the Club are maintained.

The Officers shall be decided at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting after the positions have been vacated. If an excess number of persons is nominated for a position, that position shall be decided by a vote.


The Officers of the Club will form the Committee.

The Officers of the Club may invite other members to join the Committee although voting rights at the Committee will be vested in the Officers of the Club.

The Committee may form sub-committees where necessary to achieve the objectives of the Club.

Delegates may be appointed when necessary to represent the Club at any meeting in which the Club participates.


The election of members shall be by the Committee. All adult members must be or become financial members of the North Sydney Leagues Club. Junior members may be admitted at the discretion of the Committee provided such members are students and under eighteen (18) years of age.

A person may apply for membership by providing the required information on the prescribed membership application form and paying the membership fee and other fees as decided by the Committee.

Members who are in arrears with their membership fees or any other payments for twenty eight (28) days shall be deemed to be defaulters and shall be liable to be deprived of all benefits of membership.

Suspension of membership

The Committee may, for any period or indefinitely, suspend from the privileges of membership any member who disobeys any resolution of the Committee or Annual General Meeting or who is guilty of any misconduct which, in the opinion of the Committee, warrants action, subject to the right of appeal to the Committee of the Club within ten (10) days.

Members liabilities

The members of the Club shall have no liability to contribute towards the payment of debts or liabilities of the Club or the costs, charges or expenses of the Club except for the amount of any overdue membership fees.


Minutes of meetings are to be correctly recorded and produced at subsequent meetings. Proper books of account and registers of members are to be kept and produced where required by the Committee. Records may be kept in written or electronic form.

The Officers of the Club shall determine which Officers have signing powers on the Club’s bank account.

Withdrawals from the Club’s bank account are to be approved by two (2) Officers.

The books of the Club shall be closed at 31 October each year.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting shall be called by the Committee at a date to be determined but no later than six (6) months after the Club’s financial year, with not less than fourteen (14) days notice to be given to members, for the purpose of electing Officers and transacting other business specified in the notice convening the meeting.

Special General Meeting

A Special General Meeting may be called by the Committee or by any five (5) members of the club provided fourteen (14) days notice is given to the Secretary.

Notices of meetings

Notices of meetings of the Committee, Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings may be advised at meetings of the Club, delivered personally, by mail or by electronic means.


No business will be transacted at any meeting unless a quorum of members is present. A quorum shall be:

a) Committee. At least three (3) Officers of the Club.
b) Annual General Meeting – five (5) members of the Club plus quorum of current Committee
c) Special General Meeting – five (5) members including the five (5) members calling the meeting

plus quorum of current Committee.

Voting powers

Only financial members (with current membership fees paid) shall be eligible to vote. In the event of a tied vote, the chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote

Membership fees and other fees

The Committee shall determine the level and method of payment of membership fees, tournament entry fees and any other fees for the Club’s competitions and activities.


This constitution may not be repealed or altered without the consent of seventy-five percent (75%) of the members present at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the Club.


The Club can only be dissolved by vote of seventy-five percent (75%) of members present at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting. In the winding up of the Club, any surplus property of the Club must be transferred to another organisation with similar objectives and which is not carried on for the profit or gain of the organisation’s members.

Copyright © 2025 Norths Chess Club