Winter Classic

2024 Winter Classic

FIDE and ACF rated

9 rounds on Tuesdays from  4 June to 6 August 2024

(includes spare week in case of venue unavailability)

Congratulations to our prizewinners

=1st Ian Welch and Dean Chen
3rd Andrew He
Rating group A Josh Liu
Rating group B Aiden Maleki

1st Jonathan Sua
2nd Mason Tay
3rd Harry Le
=Rating group A Oliver Zhang and Joey Su
Rating group B Jason Gemenis

Major click here to view  in a full screen 

Tournament Information and Rules 

Location: Norths (formerly North Sydney Leagues Club), cnr Abbott & Palmer Streets, Cammeray.

There will be two tournaments, with players allocated by rating:

Winter Classic Major - at least 1400 ACF - with a time control of 90 minutes plus 30 seconds a move.

Winter Classic Minor - under 1400 ACF     - with a time control of 60 minutes plus 30 seconds a move.

Players under 1400 may choose to enter the Major  if in the 2024 Club Championship if they scored
  -  at least 50% in Tournament 4
  -  at least 66% in Tournament 5
* from played games. Minimum 50% of possible games played. 

Format: 9 rounds (Dutch) Swiss, with pairings by Vega. 

Start Time: Games start at 7:30 pm.

Schedule: Tuesdays from 4 June to 6 August 2024 (rounds may be reduced in case of venue unavailability).

Eligibility: Open. Players who are not Australian residents must have a FIDE ID.


  • $20 for Norths Chess Club members; $30 for non-members. GM, WGM, IM and WIM free.
  • Entries must be received by 2 June. Late entries will be accepted at the arbiter's discretion. Late entries incur a $10 surcharge.

Draw: The provisional draw will be published on the Sunday evening prior to each round.

Prizes in each tournament: 1st: $200 2nd: $150 3rd: $100; Rating Group A: $50 Rating Group B: $50. Prizes will be shared equally among players on the same score but each player may only receive one prize.


  • Players without an ACF rating will be regarded as unrated for tournament selection purposes unless the organiser deems otherwise. Adjustments to sections based on June ratings will be made where required.
  • Results will be submitted for inclusion in the ACF Classic (June) and FIDE Standard rating lists. A player's tournament rating will be determined using the following hierarchy:
    • ACF Classic
    • FIDE Standard 'FIDE standard (adjusted to ACF equivalent for tournament selection as determined by the organiser). 

Byes and forfets: 

  • Postponements are not permitted. However, up to two half-point byes may be requested for rounds 1-7. Notice to the arbiter must be received by midday on the Sunday prior to the round. 
  • Forfeiture time is 60 minutes after the commencement of the round (at the Arbiter’s discretion). 
  • If you won't make it to a round, you must inform the organisers. Your opponents make an effort to come to the club expecting to play a game, some travelling a long way and by public transport. Making them wait for you to not arrive is impolite and against our club ethos.  The club email and 0414 793 791 are monitored up to the start of play. 
  • Requests for a half-point bye must be submitted (by emailing or message/call 0414 793 791 no later than midday on the Sunday immediately preceding the round. 
  • Players who cause clock forfeits or notify the organisers after 5PM on the day of play will be excluded from the following round. Players doing so twice in a tournament will be removed from the remaining rounds and entry to other events may be refused.

Tiebreaks: In the event of ties, prize monies will be shared. The rank order will be determined by applying the following tiebreaks in descending order:

Winter Classic Major:
Direct Encounter
Bucholtz Cut 1
Average Rating of opponents Cut 1

Winter Classic Minor:
Direct Encounter
Bucholtz Cut 1
Bucholtz Total

Rules: The FIDE Laws of Chess apply. 

Arbiter: Robert Watson 

Appeals panel:  TBA


Players may win one prize only. 

Rating prizes are awarded based on a player's tournament rating. Players without a tournament rating are considered to be unrated and are ineligible for rating prizes. 

Rating Group A and B are the players in the 2nd and 3rd thirds of the rated players (e.g. if there are 30 rated players, Rating Groups A and B include the 11th-20th and 21st-30th rated players).

Entries close: Entries must be received by 2 June. Late entries will be accepted at the arbiter's discretion. Late entries incur a $10 surcharge.

Entry: To enter CLICK HERE to complete THE ON LINE FORM. If not paid online, cheques and money orders make payable to Norths Chess Club. Entry payment is accepted at club meetings or make a bank transfer to Norths Chess Club, BSB 062 181, Account number 1044 1917 (use your name and Winter in the reference).


CLICK HERE for previous years' results.

Copyright © 2025 Norths Chess Club